Bad Kitty Calls

PaintBox Labs was commissioned to help develop an interactive educational tool for Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group and the Karen Klein Anti-Bullying Foundation that teaches children to play nicely with others, practice behavioral skills, and sing songs about Bad Kitty.


One of the most important skills young children should learn before they attend school is the ability to interact with their peers in a friendly and positive manner.


Positive Reinforcement


The first call delivery app will be developed around the newest Nick Bruel’s book title called ‘Bad Kitty School Daze’, which is the perfect tie-in to an anti-bullying message for kids because Bad Kitty and Puppy had to go to obedience school for fighting.


Nick Bruel’s Bad Kitty Calls offers children an interactive experience with the infamous housecat named Kitty, who often wreaks havoc about her owner’s home. Kids receive or initiate pretend video calls, audio calls, and voicemail messages, and are entertained with fun anti-bullying songs, Bad Kitty games, and educational opportunities (such as learning to share and saying “hello” or “goodbye” in a foreign language).


Meanwhile, parents can activate or schedule calls from Bad Kitty to re-enforce the types of messages they want to use to teach everyday behavioral situations to their kids.
