Pixeldust specifically designed the Battle For Survival AR experience to appeal to visitors of all ages. We focused on developing a user-friendly experience by collaborating with Magic Leap to get the best out of their AR technology. The developers at Pixeldust were able to create an immersive experience by leveraging state-of-the-art features like 3D spatial environments and 3D audio that allowed users to see, hear and interact with creatures in their natural habitats. Visitors used the Magic Leap headset and an easy to use controller with a trigger that helped them interact with each creature and see their special traits and physical features.
I. Fully Interactive
The AR experience included six stations, each with an image-based trigger that brought six habitats to life.
II. Unique & Immersive
These habitats were unique, immersive, interactive, and photoreal 3D worlds. They showcase Reptopia’s species in action.
III. Icon, The Guide
“Icon” the chameleon, the host and narrator, guides each user inside the AR exhibit sometimes in person and other times as a narrator. Each station includes a non-interactive storyline where we watch and learn crucial information about each critter, including their special skills and hunting mechanisms.